Thursday, April 7, 2011

random thoughts

I thought I would update this long overdue blog (although no one really reads it) to get the creative juices flowing. All of these biology words have really took a toll on my mental capacity. I woke up after four hours of sleep, looked outside, and thought, "This is going to be a crappy day." One thing to know about me: without beauty sleep, I am not beautiful. I mean inside and outside. I can get real nasty with you folks, so I suggest you don't breathe too heavily, start sniffling,- scratch that. Just stop breathing. Haha. Just kidding. Sort of.
So, anyways, annoying me dragged my fat butt out of the dorm, walked to my first and last class until 5 later today. I come out of my class and go outside and guess what I see?

Now that just made my day.

Also listening to this song just made me reminisce of the good old days in the summer.

Finally the teasing weather has settled down. For now. Seriously, depressing. And seasonal affective disorder has gone buck wild up here in upstate New York. I cannot WAIT to go back home to the sea of skyscrapers and faces. Man. I miss civilization.

On a darker note, I have been on lent-duty since... well a couple of weeks ago. It's coming to an end, but it has been a serious struggle. I gave up artificial sugars for forty days, and it feels like I haven't tasted chocolate or sprinkles or ice cream or sour gummy worms or venti soy green tea lattes or CANDY in the GENERAL in such a long time. I'm deprived. Someone hug me.

Back to the little blurb about summer. This summer is going to have a theme. It's going to be known as the "Studying the Empire Under the Sun ver. 20.11". SNAPS. It's going to be A. MAY. ZING. Under the fog of pollution and smoke, there will be a girl with a dream. A dream to reculturize herself to all the goodness that is new york. And yes, "reculturize" is now a word officially as of right now. If Bush can make up his own words, so can I.

I will hit all the fancy schmancy places in all parts of Manhattan once again! So many things happen in a blink of an eye. A neuron takes maybe a millisecond or less to do its thang. (Okay, I'll stop with the bio innuendos). I will have 3.5 months to do what a neuron does! Now that's an accomplishment. I won't boggle you guys down with the calculation of how many things I can do if I was a neuron and had 3.5 months to do MY thang.

Goals of Summer 2011 (other than work, etc) and reviews to come!
5)little boutiques and shopping
6)little random adventures
8)randomly getting lost one day.
9)the PEEPS.

Gosh. I'm getting all excited already.

This summer's gonna be great. I can just picture it now.
Art galleries
food tastings
musical encounters
theatrical productions
thrift stores

I think the thing I will be looking forward to the most is the food. I NEED GOOD FOOD. CHEAP FOOD. FOOD THAT TICKLES MY TUMMY AND HAS A SPAZZTIC ATTACK.

Alrighty. Done ranting. Back to reality. 39 days left. SOY JOY.
